July 20, 2024
Published on Tuesday 22 September, 2020
Matt, a pilot for over 11 years,’ was temporarily stood down from his role at Virgin Australia due to COVID-19’s severe impact on the airline industry.
“I was actually about to start some more training with work and then this hit me like a sledgehammer... I had no idea what was going to happen - it was a really big change,” said Matt.
Luckily at the time, Lifestyle Solutions recognised a need to temporarily increase its workforce and reached out to organisations that were impacted by the crisis and offer a career change to affected staff.
“Lifestyle Solutions reached out on our workplace app and it was just amazing. I’m so thankful to have been given the opportunity to do this,” said Matt.
Prior to becoming a Pilot, Matt studied Occupation Health and Rehabilitation and gained experience working in rehabilitation with people in the coal mining industry, Australian Defence Force and various community organisations. It was this experience that motivated him to apply for a role as a Support Worker with Lifestyle Solutions.
“I really enjoy having a positive impact on people and helping them to achieve their goals,” said Matt.
Matt has found that many parts of his new role as a Support Worker are similar to the airline industry.
“Both roles are very procedurally based with continuous training and a high safety focus. The team at Lifestyle Solutions were great with helping me through the training process – it was seamless.”
“Getting to know the people we support, building relationships with them, learning their different needs and finding best ways to communicate with them, is similar to the airline industry on a daily basis.”
Matt’s new role as a Support Worker involves providing daily living support for young people with disability and building their independent living skills. He also provides care for people with more complex needs.
“It’s been great to revisit the skills that I’ve used in the past, it’s a very diverse role and I’m a person who likes that.”
“It’s been so rewarding, and I’ve really enjoyed my time so far. I love getting to know the people we support, and I get just as much out of it as they do,” said Matt.
"I am very thankful for the whole COVID-19 situation because if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t be doing the role that I’m doing now.”
Customer Experience Supervisor, Carly, has been in the aviation industry for twelve years and managed the Virgin Domestic Lounge in Brisbane.
Carly came across an advertisement for Lifestyle Solutions on Virgin Australia’s intranet and quickly clicked the link to apply.
“Within 24 hours I was contacted by the Lifestyle Solutions Talent team to start the ball rolling – I was very impressed,” said Carly.
Carly, who had been in the aviation industry since she’d left school, had always thought that would be her one and only career path.
“Being a Disability Support Worker was never something that had crossed my mind before but I am very thankful for the whole COVID-19 situation because if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t be doing the role that I’m doing now - and loving it,” said Carly.
Carly says she’s been lucky to be able to draw on her customer service and people skills in her new role.
“In the aviation industry, every day is different and it’s very similar to being a Support Worker – no shift is ever the same.”
“I’ve been able to utilise my transferable skills to adapt to different situations and resolve any unexpected situations that arise,” said Carly.
Carly now works as a casual Support Worker in Brisbane, providing individual support and community access to people in her care. She also provides support for people with disability living in Lifestyle Solutions’ Supported Independent Living homes.
“It’s been challenging, I’ve really had to step out of my comfort zone and learn new skills but I’m really enjoying being able to make a difference in the lives of the people we support.”
“The teamwork at Lifestyle Solutions is also something that I think is great, there’s a lot support among the team. I feel very lucky to have encouragement from my colleagues, especially while I’m still building my confidence in the role,” said Carly.
“I wanted to do something rewarding and worthwhile”
Liezl, a Group Sales Consultant at Qantas has worked in the aviation industry for 20 years. Based in the Qantas Head Office in Mascot, Liezl has worked for many airline organisations such as Gulf Air, Singapore Airlines and Latam.
While temporarily stood down from her role due to COVID-19, she came across a list of secondary employment opportunities on the Qantas intranet.
“I was looking for a role that was very different to what I usually do but also rewarding and worthwhile, where I can use my skills to help other people,” said Liezl.
After a 20-year career in the corporate world, Liezl applied for a Support Worker role at Lifestyle Solutions.
“It’s been challenging, I’m still getting the hang of things, but it’s been a great experience. I really enjoy working with the people we support and putting my time to good use,” said Liezl.
Head of Talent at Lifestyle Solutions, Duncan McKenzie said, “We really appreciate those who have shown interest in working with us and adapted so well to their new roles in supporting our people in care.”
“We’re pleased to be able to partner with airline industry organisations to connect with their affected staff and help them through this difficult time. Our internal recruitment team along with our partner, People Fusion, has been doing a tremendous job displaying excellent customer service, living our values and being excellent ambassadors for our organisation.”
“Our hiring teams have also done a wonderful job welcoming these new people into their teams and helping them to settle in their new roles,” said Duncan.
If you’re interested in meaningful work on a temporary, casual or fixed-term basis, please register your interest.